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Hike Club - March 2021

Sarath Akkineni

On Saturday, March 27th at 1pm, Kevin Linehan led the scouts through the Prouty Woods Community Forest. It was a beautiful day and the weather was gorgeous with 62°F. We did this hike in January when we had a lot of snow on the trail, and now the scouts were able to explore the trail. They were able to see a group of Gartner snakes. They learnt that Garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) was designated as the official reptile of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 2007.

Later they had a chance to climb up one of the biggest tree on the way up the hike. They paused at the lake and played a few games. An important question was answered and tested in the lake waters - "What are ripples and how are they formed?". It was a great start for more Spring hikes!

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