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Pack Hike - Prouty Woods

Sarath Akkineni

The Cub Scouts from Pack 1 braved a wintery day to go on a hike at Prouty Woods in Littleton. It was a bit chilly to start but we warmed up quickly during the mile and half hike. We started with 9 Scouts and 1 dog, but somehow we ended with 10 Scouts and 1 dog! Prouty Woods is a beautiful woodland hike leading up Wilderness Hill. At the top of the hill the forest opens up to reveal beautiful views of the Monadnock Range to the north and Mount Wachusett to the west. Near the end of the loop we got a big surprise at Long Lake. The lake was completely frozen over! We spent quite a long time throwing snowballs, making snow angels, and just enjoying the unique experience of being out on the frozen water.

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