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Spring Campout and Graduation

Sarath Akkineni

Pack One ended our 2020-2021 Cub Scout Year with a grand celebration! We enjoyed a wonderful campout at Nobscot Scout Reservation in Sudbury, MA. It was a warm weekend so no one had to work on their cold weather camping skills – that’s for sure! We had a very pleasant campsite about a quarter mile hike into the woods, just the right balance of being out in the wildness but not too far to haul our gear. Families set up camp early in the afternoon and then the whole Pack embarked on a hike up to Tippling Rock for a beautiful view of the landscape clear to Boston! We returned to camp and almost every played a number of rounds of Capture The Flag. We enjoyed a cookout on our Pack’s new portable grill. Then came the much-anticipated Graduation Ceremony in which all of our Cub Scouts levelled-up to their next Den. Great job Pack 1! The adult leaders got a little thank-you gift too. Since scouts have limitless energy when camping they self-assembled into some more rounds of scout-led Capture The Flag while the adults had some time to relax around the fire. When it got dark the glow sticks came out and we were treated to quite the light show. After a good night’s sleep we enjoyed a warm breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, and hash browns.

We are so proud that nearly 50 members of our Pack 1 families came to celebrate graduation at our Spring Campout! So many adult volunteers (and a couple Den Chiefs) helped out, and it couldn’t have happened with out their service. Thank you!

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